Friday, November 23, 2007

October and November

Here are a couple of pics from some of our fun times here in San Diego....

Carving pumpkins for Halloween.... We were preparing for a big block party and needed decorations.

Joshua Tree...Kim and I went with our friend, Greg. We went rock climbing, camping, and hiking in the desert.

Thanksgiving... We had a wonderful meal and a house full of twenty people. We ended the evening with a Thanksgiving bonfire.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Here are the boys after a day of combining

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Fall Fun

Thought I would post some pictures of the fun things we've done this Fall.

Nolan and Jack at the apple orchard.

Caleb on the tractor at the apple orchard.

Pumpkin carving fun!

The lion and tiger at the Zoo Boo!

The boys trick or treating with Ella and Lauren!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Hey all! I thought I would finally try this out! Here is a pic of Jack and his new hair cut. I thought the spiked look would be fabulous!

Friday, October 19, 2007

One more hiking pic.... we were right above the cloud line for this one. We climbed some boulders and once we got to the top, this was our view. It was spectacular!!

Here we are, dancing in the streets at a street music festival. There are outdoor festivals and concerts almost every weekend.

Hello, my lovely fam. (: I am loving that we are now using this blog!! Char, I love the pics of Nolan and Caleb. I miss you all so much!!!! Here are a couple of more pics from my life here in Cali..

Kim, two of her roommates, and I went and played in the mountains last weekend. We camped in a boulder field and then hiked about 10 miles on the Pacific Crest Trail....absolutely breathtaking.... I can't wait to go again-very soon. I still can't believe that all of this natural beauty is, quite literally, in my back yard here!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Nolan and Caspian

We can't leave out the little guy who has been having so much personality lately. He can definitely hold his own in this household. He has 2 favorite words lately: No, No, No and Move. He also very cutely says 'I love you' before bed.

It looks like the Caspian drama is over. He had the mass in his neck removed via surgery last week and is healing nicely. The biopsy showed that it was indeed plant material. They believe that he probably poked himself with a stick and somehow a plant bacteria was festering inside. Pleasant, but we think he is going to be fine.

Never a dull moment

So much drama in this branch of the Lemke world. This time courtesy of Caleb. We have had a second stitches incident. Caleb in all his clumsiness was running in the kitchen and fell. He hit his head on the dining room chair leg and opened up his little forehead. I whisked him off to the pediatrician's office (luckily they were still there) where he proceeded to get 5 stitches. He wasn't nearly as traumatized by this whole ordeal. After a frosty from Wendy's, he was jumping on his bed later that evening. Crazy kid!

Monday, October 1, 2007

My birthday...

The girls going out...

Sunday, September 30, 2007

charity, you need to send me pictures of my nephews!!!!!!
i have attached a couple of my own.... the first is a pic. of my two roommates (the two on the right) the second is of the group hanging out on the beach watching the sunset....i have a million more of my school and house, but i am going to try this out first to see if it works- since you know how technologically challenged i am

Monday, July 23, 2007

It's up to you!

Now that the family blog is up and running in cyberspace, it is up to you to keep it going. As soon as I get everyone's email addresses you will be invited to be an author on this blog. You can post pictures, write stories and catch up on what everyone else is doing. If there is anyone else who may want to post in addition to the contributors listed, let me know. This should be fun! Happy blogging!